Mountain Cafe is no.1 in Paro is located right in town and it is 15 minutes drive from Paro Airport. It is famous for organic fast food. Serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks and coffee.


Mountain Cafe


Paro, Bhutan




In 2016

The Challenge: Raising Awareness about Cafe

To increase brand awareness among local and tourist across Bhutan
Reach to the relevant audiences such as coffee lovers, passionate foodies, etc.
Educate audiences regularly about the cafe’s new dishes, deals and other offerings
Drive more check-in customers in cafe since it was newly opened cafe

The Strategy: Engaging Content & Hypertargeting

  • Customized strategy specific to targeted audience
  • Maintaining consistent tone & message at all social media platforms
  • Split testing by creating different types of post to measure engagement level
  • Offers and deals highlighted on regularly with the promoted post
  • Drive engagement to post by targeting relevant audiences
  • Striking the right balance between cost per engagement and audience reach

The Results: Increased Cafe check-in

Ad campaign increases Cafe visits by 60% within 3 months plus

Cost per Engagement
Audience Engaged
Repeated check-in customer increased by